Mountain Kart

The Mountain kart will allow you to race down the Roc'N Bob toboggan run to fill up on adrenaline and enjoy the magnificent landscape at the same time! An exhilarating experience featuring 4 km of descent and 500 m of elevation drop, packed into 30 minutes of active fun.

There is/are 1 service provider(s)

Sevabel - Remontées mécaniques

Rate(s) 1 descent: €29
5 descents: €120
10 descents: €180
Information Roc 1 cable car - La Croisette. Daily: 9.30am-12.45pm and 1.30pm-4pm. From age 10 and 1 m 40.
Contact details +33 4 79 00 62 75
Gare de la télécabine du Roc 1, Les Menuires, 73440 Les Belleville
See the website

Summer lifts opening from 6 July to 30 August 2024. Find out more